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Text Power Telling

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Text Power Telling is now accepting submissions for their Winter 2024 issue. 

Text Power Telling magazine's mission is to create a supportive and healing community for survivors to use their writing, art, and creativity to take back power from sexual trauma.

We define sexual trauma broadly: there is no value in measuring or evaluating the legitimacy of others’ suffering.  We recognize that sexual trauma occurs across identities, communities, and contexts. We feel honored to be able to put some of those stories of marginalized folks out into the world.

Our goal is to offer a safe creative space that provides room for all the complexities of what it is to be human and its intersection with trauma and oppression.  Our creative arts magazine strives to be inclusive and equitable by prioritizing:

- submission guidelines through an equity lens

- diversity in our editorial staff, reviewers, writers, and artists

- work across the full spectrum of human experience, including amplifying stories of the most marginalized artists.

At TPT, we are looking for works of any genre written or created by sexual trauma survivors, those who love survivors, as well as those who support survivors, such as educators and therapists.

Text Power Telling Magazine accepts a variety of forms of art:

  • writing (memoir, plays, poetry, nonfiction essays)
  • artwork
  • audio of music
  • docu video
  • videos of dance performances.

We are open to veteran creators and new creators who are at least 18 years of age.  We accept simultaneous submissions as well as work that has been previously published elsewhere (including self-published works), if you specify that this is a reprint and state where it was published so that we may properly give credit to your first publication.  We have the right to do light editing of your work.

We ask that all “real” names of those involved, except for the survivor, be replaced with pseudonyms to protect survivors and their families. We will publish your work anonymously if you choose to do so. We will accept works with profanity.

Before submitting your work please read our Detailed Submissions Guidelines:

Text Power Telling